This research aims to know the characteristics of the texture and colour of compost from empty palm bunches
(TKKS) and cow dung using selulotic microorganism (MOS). This research had been carried out in the
village of Serosah, district of Hulu Kuantan, Kuantan Singingi Regency. Design used in this study was a
randomized complete design (RAL) non factorial, which consists of 6 treatment and three replicates, namely
A0 (20 kg of TKKS + 200 ml of MOS), A1 (18 kg of TKKS + 2 kg of cow dung + 200 ml of MOS), A2 (16 kg of
TKKS + 4 kg of cow dung + 200 ml of MOS), A3 (14 kg of TKKS + 6 kg of cow dung + 200 ml of MOS), A4 (12
kg of TKKS + 8 kg of cow dung + 200 ml of MOS), A5 (10 kg of TKKS + 10 kg of cow dung + 200 ml of MOS).
Data from observation of each treatment were descriptively analyzed. Based on the results of the study it can
be concluded that the use of the empty palm bunches of compost by using cow and selulotic microorganisms
(MOS) significantly affected the texture of the compost (a soft and slightly damp) and black in colour of
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31258/sagu.v18i2.7870
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