The objective of this study was to obtain exact formulation of combination of yellow sweet potato puree and
dry coconut dregs based on quality standards for making cookies. This study used a completely randomized
design (RAL) with five treatments and three replications. The treatments of yellow sweet potato puree and
dried coconut dregs on wheat flour consists of UK1 (70% yellow sweet potato puree and 0% dried coconut
dregs), UK2 (65% pure yellow sweet potato and 5% dried coconut dregs), UK3 (60% yellow sweet potato
puree and 10% dried coconut dregs), UK4 (55% yellow sweet potato puree and 15% dried coconut dregs),
and UK5 (50% yellow sweet potato puree and 20% dried coconut dregs). Data were statistically analyzed
using ANOVA and DNMRT at 5% level. The result of analysis of variance showed that the formulation of
combination of yellow sweet potato puree, dry coconut dregs, and wheat flour had significantly affected
water, ash, fat, protein, crude, and carbohydrate content as well sensory assessment. The results showed that
the selected treatment was UK3 with which got a moisture content of 3,80%, ash content of 1,87%, fat content
of 24,90%, protein content of 7,49%, crude fiber of 4,00%, and carbohydrate content of 61,93% with the
sensory description yellow in color, yellow sweet potato and coconut pulp flavour, yellow sweet potato and
coconut pulp taste, and crispy in texture and be liked overall by panelists.
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