This research was aimed to get the best crackers from a combination ratio of taro flour and red bean flour in
crackers making. Research method was completely randomized design (CRD) experiment which consisted of
five treatments and each treatment was repeated three times. Treatments of taro flour and red bean flour were
90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40, 50:50. Data were statistically analyzed by using analysis of variance and continued
with duncan’s new multiple range test at 5% level. The result of this study showed that the ratio of taro flour
and red bean flour significantly affected moisture contents, ash contents, protein contents, color, flavour,
aroma, and crunchiness. Based on this research, the best treatment was the crackers with taro flour and red
bean flour 50:50, which had average of moisture content of 2.21%, ash content of 2.53%, and protein content
of 9.07%. Sensory assessment of crackers by panelist showed that this crackers had a brown color, red bean
taste, red bean flour, and rather hard textures.
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