Pemanfaatan Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuslcular (CMA) pada Beberapa Jenis Tanah terliadap Pertumbuhan Kacang Tanati {Arachis hipogaea L.)
In Indonesia, peanut {Arachis hipogaea L.) is an important legume type, occupying second position
after soy. Utilization of CMA (Mycoriza Arbuskular) can increase peanut crop production, reduce agricultural
activity cost and risk of pest trouble. This research was aimed to get best treatment of mycoriza for peanut
growth. This research was conducted from May to August 2009 in farmer group of Jl. Gading Marpoyan,
Simpang Tiga Village, Bukit Besar Regency Pekanbaru. This research used Randomized Group Design
(RAK) by 12 treatments and 3 replications. Data is analyzed using anova and then continued with DNMRT of
5% level. Result of research showed that treatment of 15 gram CMA at alluvial soil for peanut crop provided
best result for parameters of number of peas, number of flowers, dry seed weight and infection of mycoriza per
Keywords: peanut, Mycoriza Arbuskular (CMA)
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